joues et tout
a home away from home
What can you say after over a DECADE?
We're in MoWest one of the best neighbourhoods ever and we are a family of +/- 5, give or take. Some days our friends are like family and other days are family are with other family!
I grew up right here in Montreal West, I went to Edinburgh and Royal West. I played soccer, was on the swim team, went to daycamp, and sat on the ledge next to Mini Cout eating freezies.​
I like to consider the kids that come into our home part of our family but we also have a super dynamic and interesting history. One that involves, step dads, step mums, half brothers and sisters, step brothers, pets, and lots of love!!
During these long yet very short years I've become a Girl Guide leader, a soccer coach, a volunteer at Breakfast with Santa, a Beaver Scout leader, jogged around town a few times, and helped out more than once at my kids schools!
I love to cook, get outside, and for those of you who do know me..I'm pretty crazy. We are a busy family and I like to keep your kids and mine as busy as possible too with trips to the park, crafts, cooking, and being as silly as possible.
Yes we definitely laugh, I can promise you we grow, we love, learn, and most importantly we EAT!!! We love cooking delicious exotic foods like, wait for it, homemade macaroni, I know so exotic. But for real, we eat curries, Mexican stir fry, vegan meatloaf, and raw desserts. We luuuuuuuuv to eat!
We also love to go on adventures, to the beach, hiking through Zombie Mountain (Mount Royal ;) ), out for ice cream on those really hot days, to a play, or a museum. Keeping our minds and bodies as fresh and ready for anything!
As you can see we're a busy family and that's how we love it!!
Our New Project....New Friends!!!